Sunday, March 4, 2012

I don't have very fancy lenses. Those are the round things in front of your camera : ) They detach and you can put on better ones. The ones that have the biggest hole for light to come through are the most expensive. They are better, because they are faster. A camera with a hole (aperture) of 1.2 is going to be WAY faster than a camera that has a hole labeled 3.5. Or bigger. The hole, not the number. The tricky thing is that fuzzy background. The bigger the hole? The fuzzier the background. But the smaller the area that's in focus. Anyways. I have the cheaply made but fabulous Canon 55mm 1.8. I have the kit lens Canon 18-135 mm which is good and dependable : ) I WANT BIGGER. BETTER. MORE EXPENSIVE. Oh yeah. : ) But for now, those two are what I got. I can rent the good stuff, which is what you'll see in the future here. One day I'll HAVE the good stuff. These photos were made with a 40 dollar craigslist couch, the two lenses listed above, a 40 dollar best buy tripod, and a homemade wooden reflector covered in tinfoil. Its nice to have the good stuff. But you don't HAVE to have the good stuff to get a good photo. You just need the knowledge. And with a little searching and experimenting? You can get that : ) Cheap. : ) Photography is 80 percent know how and 20 percent equipment. Which includes Adobe photoshop. Which costs a lot. I can't help you there, But if you learn camera lingo, you'll see this. SOOC. That means straight out of camera. That's more important than heavily edited photos anyway. SOOC gets whats real, whats in front of you. If you know what you're doing. So learn to handle your camera. I'll help ya. 
Love it. 
Use a reflector. 
Cover something with crumpled up tinfoil and you got one. 
Use a tripod. 
Take a lot of photos, don't be afraid of hitting that button! 
Fake it 'til you make it' is NOT the evil-est sentence in Photography.
Use your brain second. Sometimes meters are stupid. 
I guess my next post is on how to use a meter : )

My wonderful friend Jill and I went out with her girls to Lucerne Valley to take these shots. 
I love these girls!!! 
It was awesome. So much fun!!!!!!
It's so nice when you have kids that will pose for you and happily go on and on and on....
Just one more photo can really stress a kid out.
Which is why I love these girls!!! They are photo taking robots! 
Anyway, here they are. It was one of my funnest photo shoots ever : )

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