Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Joe and I and the kids went on a nature walk on Sunday with Grandpa Segalla. I lived in the mountains from the time I was 9 to the time I was 21. For 13 years I took it for granted that I lived amongst tall green trees and gorgeous forests and sweet smelling air and amazingness. As an annoying preteen, and then a punk teenager, and then a notices nothing but her man newlywed, I failed to fully appreciate the woods, for these same 13 years. I thought they were beautiful of course, but I just absorbed them as normal. Then, because life does not like to be ignored, I moved to the desert. Now, the desert is wonderful. The people I go to church with are my family, the air is always clean and sweet, sunshine nearly every day, sky everywhere, house with a lotta land. But.
I don't know if you've heard but there's no forest in the desert. 
Fortunately, Joe's parents love the mountains like I should have all those 13 years. So they are still there, and we get to visit them. 
We went on a nature walk just when the sun was getting ready to sunset itself, and the glory began. I slowpoked myself up and down the road so I could snap, snap, snap. 
The woods are such a testimony to the existence of God. There is perfection in every little detail. There is beauty in every tiny thing you see. It's almost too much to take in. 
So, here are a few things that stopped me in my tracks, and yelled at me for not noticing them before, and then they laughed at me because I now live in the desert. 
I don't think I'll ever leave the desert though, the desert has its own beauty, and were I to go back to the mountains, the smells and the sights and the trees, they would not be appreciated as much as they are when I get to go visit them. 
Was that a run on sentence or what? 
My next post will have people in them. My family, in the woods. Perfection times two. 
Like the tree bark, I've gotten a little sappy. : )

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful! I LOVE going to the mountains for those same reasons
